Youngster Future Car Festival
Future Car aims to ignite children's infinite imagination towards future cars. Participants engage in a competition where they design future cars, create imaginative drawings, and provide written explanations. The event's purpose is to encourage children and teenagers to unleash their imagination and innovation for future cars, fostering a mindset that embraces the possibilities of tomorrow. The competition is divided into separate categories for Hong Kong & Macau districts and nationwide participants. The Hong Kong & Macau district competition is hosted by the Knights Nurturing Foundation, while the nationwide competition is overseen by China SAE. In the past few years, Future Car has received exceptional feedback and gained high recognition from the Vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, and Chairman of the World New Energy Vehicle Conference

Past Results
In the 2023 "Future AutomotiveNational Competition Carnival and Awards Ceremony", the works of threeparticipants from Hong Kong were selected for the national competition andinvited to participate in the competition carnival and awards ceremony jointlyorganized by the World New Energy Vehicle Conference and the China Society ofAutomotive Engineers at the Hainan International Convention and ExhibitionCenter
(Ranked in no particular order):
S.K.H Tsing Yi Chu Yan Primary School – LeungYat Nam
Hong Kong International School - Huo Jinran
Scientia Secondary School - Ng King Hei
靈動創意大獎 - Leung Yat Nam
In the 2024 "Future AutomotiveNational Competition Carnival and Awards Ceremony", the works of twoparticipants from Hong Kong were selected for the national competition andinvited to participate in the competition carnival and awards ceremony jointlyorganized by the World New Energy Vehicle Conference and the China Society ofAutomotive Engineers at the Hainan International Convention and ExhibitionCenter
(Ranked in no particular order):
Pope Paul VI College – LuiTsz Ching
Central And Western District St. Anthony'sSchool - Lai Sai Ping
In 2024, there were more than 9,000 worksfrom all over the country, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas, and two Hong Kongrepresentatives were awarded.
匠心創意作品 – Lai Sai Ping
年度創意設計作品 – Lui Tsz Ching
Project Flowchart