Future City® Competition International 2023-2024

Event Details

The final stage of the International Future City®Competition, known as the "last station," takes place annually in February in America. This event welcomes outstanding team participation from various countries and regions. To qualify for participation, teams must reach the championship title in their respective country or district. As the primary host for the Hong Kong and Macau districts, the Knights Foundation takes great pleasure in selecting the top team. We hope they will represent their district and bring honor not only to their home city but also to their country.

Date:16-21 February


Eligibility:Champion of Hong Kong and Macau Selection

Targets:Grade 6th, 7th, and 8th

Team Formation:At Least 3 Contestants And 1 Instructor

About The Event:Project Plan, Essay, City Model, Presentation & Q&A

Competition Mode: